Dva veľké ORCHESTRE sa spolu opäť stretnú na jednom pódiu po vzore svojich amerických predchodcov, tancachtivé publikum svojimi podrážkami doslova vyhladí parkiet a na svoje si prídu nielen milovníci jazzu a swingu rokov 20.-40., ale aj všetci, ktorí majú radi show, tanec a skvelú zábavu!
Bratislava Hot Serenaders vs. Ondřej Havelka a jeho Melody Makers - Big Band Battle priateľsky znepriatelených orchestrov!
Kto zvíťazí v boji o priazeň publika? - ZISTÍTE AK PRÍDETE, A ZAŽIJETE TO NA VLASTNEJ KOŽI.
Hot-jazzová smršť! Splendidná zábava! Inštruktáž dobových tancov! Pyramidálna show! Swingári všetkých krajín - Strojte sa!
Two orchestras, one big dance floor and crowds of people dressed in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s style. These are the characteristic features of the Big Dance Evening which has found its fans throughout Bratislava.
To them, as well as to all dance music lovers, we are delighted to announce that on 11th October 2019 two most popular swing and hot-jazz orchestras are to face each other again.
One corner of the dance floor battleground is to belong to Ondřej Havelka and his Melody Makers. The actor, director, screenwriter and multi-talented entertainer does not only bring his 14-member orchestra to Bratislava but with it he also brings the interwar jazz and swing. The opposite corner belongs to the Bratislava Hot Serenaders, led by Juraj Bartoš. At first sight it may look that the 20-member hot-jazz orchestra from Bratislava predominates, but the Prague swing players are the equal rival.
The musical sparking between the both sides is the best nurturing soil for witty dialogues and great amusement. It is the tradition coming from the US where the so-called Big Band Battles were held in the 1920s and the 1930s bringing the battles between music bands the victor of which earned its next-year engagement.
But these days the true victor of such a battle is every visitor who spends a wonderful time in this tasteful and stylish event.
Swing lovers of the world unite!
Zo sociálneho fondu podporila SOZA. Ďakujeme!